
Thank you for your faithful gifts!

God has provided for the financial needs of India Practical Missions through the generous love and support of people like you.  
The Chacko family has learned to depend upon the Lord for their needs and for the needs of the mission in India.
Thank you for your generous support for over 40 years.   Those gifts have helped IPM to fund the work of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Southern India through education and practical ministry.

Ways To Give

Give Online

You may now donate to India Practical Missions online by simply entering the amount you wish to share on the screen to the right and click the "Next" button at the bottom.    You may donate directly from a checking account or by credit card.   The donation information is secured by encryption and will be sent directly to India Practical Missions.    IPM is a 501c3  tax exempt organization and all donations to IPM are tax deductible.     You will receive an immediate receipt for your donation by email in return, along with a summary of all giving at year-end.   

Give Using the IPM App

You can give using your smartphone or device by using the free IPM App!
Download the app at either the Apple App Store or the Google App Store.   Once you have the IPM App downloaded and opened, you can give directly from the App. 

Mail A Check

If you prefer, you can donate by sending a check to:
India Practical Missions
PO Box 691552
Tulsa, Oklahoma     74169-1552

Have questions or need help?

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